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Rachel Maclean @ Zabludowicz Collection

20 September 2018 - 16 December 2018

Rachel Maclean has rapidly established herself as one of the most distinctive creative voices in the UK. Creating baroque, hyper-real worlds using green-screen video and computer animation, and playing many of the extravagantly costumed characters herself, Maclean spins razor-sharp fables that combine comedy and horror. Her work offers a powerful critique of contemporary society and its underlying fears and desires.
Maclean is presenting. I’m Terribly Sorry, a new Zabludowicz Collection commission in virtual reality.  The artist’s first piece in the medium, made in collaboration with Werkflow: an interactive experience set in a dystopian urban British landscape of manic tourist merchandise.  It reflects on societal unease and misunderstanding in a culture of voracious documentation, self-performance and voyeurism.


20 September 2018
16 December 2018
Event Category:


Zabludowicz Collection